Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Jesus Christ your King

Jesus Christ your King
Genesis 4-6 | Psalm 2 | John 2

The Psalms are a collection of songs and prayers to God from various people (e.g. Kings David and Solomon) living in the Old Testament era. With content ranging from praise of the glorious God to questioning his motivation or character, it is fascinating that many of the situations and emotions described in the Psalms have parallels in the modern world.

The Psalm for reading today is divided equally into four sections. The first (vv.1-3) criticises mankind for conspiring together "in vain" against the Lord, the second (vv.4-6) tells of God's response: that He has installed His King (Jesus) on Zion with power to rule "with an iron sceptre" (which is a terrifying promise of judgement to those rebelling). The third (vv.7-9) is in the voice of the Divinely appointed King (Jesus), and promises His absolute reign and authority on earth, while the fourth (vv.10-12) is an invitation for those rebelling to "Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling" and to "Kiss the Son", as "Blessed are all who take refuge in Him".

It may be hard to imagine yourself as ever having 'conspired against God', but Romans 3 tells us that "There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. All have turned away." It is ignorance of God (that is: ignoring God) and making our own plans for our lives that is rebellion and conspiration against God.

As Christians, we are saved by the grace of God, through faith in Him (cf. Eph. 2:8), and this faith is expressed by the "giving of our lives" to God - that is, by living with Him as more than our guide, but in control, conforming our lives to His Will.

I heard an illustration of human life that I will borrow and change - it likens each individual's life with the movement of a car, in which we are the drivers. To ignore God in our life is akin to driving through the streets choosing the direction as we go, based on how appealing it looks from the turn. In this way, we may go around in circles, we may come to dead-ends and we may get horribly lost. If you think about it, this is a rather aimless approach to life and equates with those described in the first section of today's Psalm - those who ignore God. To these God responded by installing His King who promises absolute reign and authority and calls indivduals to take refuge in Him.

And so the second approach to life would be the "I take refuge in the King" scenario. Here, individuals consult the King to know where they are supposed to be headed (through prayer and reading the Bible) and consult the road map (you guessed it - the Bible) to see how to get there. In this way, in general we will know which turns to take and which to avoid. We may find ourselves on the "Highway to Heaven", we may find ourselves seemingly going nowhere, we may take many interesting turns and from time to time we may have to get on the tollway (where the cost of travelling down that road is painful but necessary). At some points we may forget which way is best or right, or we may ignore what we know to be best simply because another street looks too appealing - but it is neverthless true that with the guy who designed all the roads being the guy who leads you through them, we're travelling the right(eous) road in life.!

It makes me sad to consider all the times I have ignored blatant directions from God and took 'wrong turns' in life. I can always, always look back on such decisions as mistakes that put me on the wrong course. Similarly, however, I can look back and see where the eternal map-maker guided me back on course. Can you do the same? What things have you deeply regretted doing in your life? How did God respond... and where are you now?

Pray now, that God will strengthen you to trust in Him for all things, and to enable you to follow His direction in all areas of life - especially when a wrong turn neverlethess looks appealing, or in times when you are unsure of which way to go. 

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