Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Revelation of the Spirit

The Revelation of the Spirit
Genesis 43-45 | Psalm 15 | John 15

The words of Jesus recorded in today's reading of John begin with two analogies where Jesus and believers are represented by a vine and its branches (respectively). In the imagery of these analogies we can see that just as branches are part of a vine, believers are part of Jesus. Believers, like the branches of a vine, are not independant - they have no source of life within themselves, but rely on Christ. Tasker exclaims, "Believers in Jesus are 'limbs' of His body, and share in the life which results from the sacrifice of that body on the cross".

Through these analogies we see that as believers we are to "be fruitful" - i.e., live for the glory of God, doing His will. We also see that if we "remain in Jesus" (that is: trust always in our need of Jesus for true life) we will be fruitful - indeed we cannot be fruitful outside of Jesus.

The Spirit helps us to remain in Jesus and be fruitful as was discussed yesterday, but also helps through various forms of revelation. Firstly, living within us and being God (the Third Person of the Trinity), the Holy Spirit is uniquely in a position to reveal God to us; and in revealing God, reveal His nature, His will and His truth. By this, we may "know Him better, love Him more, and please Him in all that we do".

We also see that the Spirit reveals Jesus to the world, testifying to His truth (v.26 cf.16:13). It is only through the Spirit that the Good News of Salvation through Jesus is revealed to any one person - it is only through the revelation of the Spirit to a sinner that that sinner may understand their need for Jesus and be saved (therefore another reason why prayer is imperitive when wanting others to find salvation in Christ). The Apostle Paul explains, "The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Cor. 2:14). Furthermore, this revelation continues all of our Christian lives, with the Spirit imparting wisdom and knowledge to understand the Scriptures, and to apply them to our lives (1 Cor. 2:6ff.).

Finally, predicative prophecy and the word of God recorded in the Bible are inspired by the Holy Spirit for our guidance and wisdom. In our reading of John tommorrow, Jesus tells His followers that the Spirit will reveal further truth, which is undoubtably a reference to the New Testament which we are now reading, as well as truth and understanding revealed to Christians accross the Millenia.

But how does the Spirit reveal this truth? From an increased understanding of the Scripture and greater aptitude and insight to apply it in your life; to a greater natural acceptance of the wisdom and rightfulness of God's will; to manipulation of events and your environment to 'direct you indirectly'; to outright communication of some form; to other ways of guidance that God only knows: all are possible to the all-powerful God. While few experience direct communication of the Spirit, all believers are led by the Spirit to grow and "be fruitful" in their Christian lives.

Praise God for all that has been revealed to you by the Spirit: an understanding of the grace of God, an understnading of His word in the Bible, an understanding of your own need for salvation, an understanding of the work of Jesus, and an understanding of the love of God. Without the Spirit these all would seem foolishness to you, and you would indeed be lost.

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