The Power of God #1
Exodus 8-10 | Psalm 20 | John 20
In readings from Exodus we have seen, and are still to see, great demonstrations of God's power. Although each of the first nine 'plagues' (those we have read of so far) occur to a certain extent annually in Egypt between the months of July and April, the Israelites see the power of God acting on their behalf in the great ferocity of each. Although the magicians of the land could reproduce some of the great acts that Moses confronted Pharaoh with, they eventually also saw the divine power behind those events and exclaimed: "This is the finger of God" (8:19).
It is also significant to comment that the plagues often carried a special significance with respect to the gods of Egypt: The Nile River was revered in Egyptian culture due to its important role in sustaining life. But God showed that He is the One True God by turning the river blood red thus removing the 'unique' ability of the river to sustain. The Egyptians also and predominantly worshipped the sun god Amon-Ra as their divine father, yet God sent the plague of darkness to show His power over the sun - which in truth is merely a creation of His.
Today's psalm similarly tells of the power of God and that we should trust in Him:
Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed;
he answers him from his holy heaven
with the saving power of his right hand.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.
They are brought to their knees and fall,
but we rise up and stand firm. (vv.6-8)
After centuries of enslavement how amazing it would have been for the Israelites to see the hand of God working for them to secure their release - but not only that, to see that He is using their situation to show His power, to show the truth in what they worship and the falsity in what the Egyptians worshipped. Imagine knowing that the God who created all things, the God who sustained all things, was working in such a powerful way for your good! Imagine that God had displayed His power and love in such an awesome way for your sake.
Now remember what we read from John today: God raised Jesus from the dead - Jesus was dead... and then God brought Him back to life. We know that God did this for us: this was to show His power over death so that we could have confidence in His power to raise us up to be with Him at the last day (He will raise all believers, many who have or will have died, to be with Him for eternity). The power of God has indeed been shown for us in a very powerful and loving way.
God also works powerfully in our time and in our lives, though often not to such an obvious and cataclysmic extent as recorded in Exodus. Not only was His power shown for you in the death and resurrection of Jesus, remember His power to call you into faith with Him, and His power to equip you with the Holy Spirit; remember the power of the Spirit to work in you, and remember His power to empower you.
In all these ways and more God has worked powerfully for our individual as well as collective benefit. In response we must entrust Him with all things in our lives as He has asked us to: we must live His way, following His guidance, seeking His glory. He is surely worthy of our trust!
"We trust in the name of the Lord our God... we rise up and stand firm."
Praise the Almighty and everling God who created all things and works in everything for the good of those who love Him. Pray that you would be able to trust in Him as He desires, seeking His will, and glorifying His name.
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